Rental of technical equipment

Price list №1

For rent of vehicles, technical operation and management of vehicles of UE "Zelenstroy of the Central district of Minsk".

Price list №2

For the provision of cargo and special equipment services of UE "Zelenstroy of the Central district of Minsk".

Contact details

For more information on your questions, please call:

Drozdovich Yulia Vasilyevna

Head of the Planning and Economic Bureau
Телефон: + 375 17 362 35 89

Mon-Thu from 8.00 to 17.00, Fri from 8.00 to 16.00
Lunch from 12.00 to 12.48
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operating mode
Mon-Thu: 8.00-17.00
Fri: 8.00-16.00
Lunch: 12.00-12.48 pm
220053, Minsk,
53A Innovatsionnaya St.
© 2021-2024 Zelenstroy of the Central district of Minsk
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