Landscaping of the territory

Cost of work

UE "Zelenstroy of the Central district of Minsk" improves the territory with a tile covering and paving boards, provides services for felling green spaces, planting trees and shrubs, arranging a lawn, mowing lawns and planting flowers. Only professional equipment is used in the work, and services are provided by experienced specialists.

Estimated cost of work performed by UE "Zelenstroy of the Central district of Minsk" for the population and legal entities as of 01.01.2022:

Contact details

For more information on your questions, please call:

Mirgolovskaya Tatyana Ivanovna

Head of the Production and Technical Bureau
Phone number: + 375 17 361 17 83

Mon-Thu from 8.00 to 17.00, Fri from 8.00 to 16.00
Lunch from 12.00 to 12.48
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operating mode
Mon-Thu: 8.00-17.00
Fri: 8.00-16.00
Lunch: 12.00-12.48 pm
220053, Minsk,
53A Innovatsionnaya St.
© 2021-2024 Zelenstroy of the Central district of Minsk
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