UE "Zelenstroy of the Central district of Minsk" improves the territory with a tile covering and paving boards, provides services for felling green spaces, planting trees and shrubs, arranging a lawn, mowing lawns and planting flowers. Only professional equipment is used in the work, and services are provided by experienced specialists.
Estimated cost of work performed by UE "Zelenstroy of the Central district of Minsk" for the population and legal entities as of 01.01.2022:
Types of work;Unit ed.;Price, rub.
Road works (excluding the cost of materials):
Installation of a tile covering made of small-piece tiles (without preparation of the underlying bases);10 m2;from 348.00
Installation of a tile covering made of small-piece tiles (with preparation of the underlying bases);10 m2;from 680.00
Installing a sidewalk board;1 sq. m.;from 25.00
Felling green spaces:
Felling wood (D up to 30 cm) (from the ground) (with loading, removal and cost of processing wood waste);1der.;from 162.00
Felling of wood (D more than 30 cm) (from the ground) (with loading, removal and cost of processing wood waste);1der.;from 852.00
Felling of wood (D up to 50 cm) (with the use of an auto-hydraulic lift) (with loading, removal and cost of processing wood waste);1der.;from 900.00
Felling of wood (D more than 50 cm) (with the use of an auto-hydraulic lift) (with loading, removal and cost of processing wood waste);1der.;from 1006.00
Tree planting (excluding the cost of planting material):
Planting trees with the addition of vegetable soil up to 50 % with a lump of 0.5x0.4 m.;1 piece;from 107.00
Planting trees with the addition of vegetable soil up to 50 % with a lump of 0.8x0.6 m.;1 piece;from 205.00
Planting shrubs (excluding the cost of planting material):
Planting shrubs with the addition of vegetable soil up to 50% in groups;1 piece;from 29.00
Planting shrubs in single-row "live" hedges with the addition of plant soil up to 50 %;1 metro station;from 39.00
Planting shrubs in two-row "live" hedges with the addition of plant soil up to 50 %;1 metro station;from 70,00
Lawn arrangement:
Preparing the soil for a lawn without adding vegetable soil (manually/ fur.method) with the sowing of herbs;100 m2;651,00 / 285,00
Preparation of the soil for the installation of a lawn with the introduction of vegetable soil in a layer of 5 cm (manually/ fur.method) with the sowing of herbs;100 m2;1240,00 / 873,00
Preparation of the soil for the installation of a lawn with the introduction of vegetable soil in a layer of 10 cm (manually/ fur.method) with the sowing of herbs;100 m2;1690,00 / 1324,00
Preparation of the soil for the installation of a lawn with the introduction of vegetable soil in a layer of 15 cm (manually/ fur.method) with the sowing of herbs;100 m2;2145,00 / 1775,00
Preparation of the soil for the installation of a rolled lawn with the introduction of vegetable earth in a layer of 10 cm, laying rolled turf on the prepared surface (excluding the cost of materials);100 m2;from 1451.00
Lawn mowing with a trimmer;100 m2;from 21.00
Planting of flowers (with the introduction of vegetable soil in a layer of 40 cm.);1m2/16 pcs;from 78.00
Contact details
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