General information

The main task of our company

The company's history began about fifty years ago. By the decision of the Minsk City Executive Committee No. 217 of August 3, 1973, the Green Economy Office of the Forest Park Management Department of the Minsk City Executive Committee was established.

As a result of the reorganization of the Minskzelenstroy structure, based on the decision of the Minsk City Executive Committee No. 1026 of 07.09.2000, the Unitary Enterprise Zelenstroy of the Central District of Minsk was formed.

The main task of the enterprise is economic activity in the field of integrated development of construction, reconstruction, repair and maintenance of green facilities in the district, in order to create the most favorable living conditions for the population, namely, maintenance and improvement of urban green facilities in the Central district of Minsk.

The territory we serve

As of 01.10.2021, UE "Zelenstroy of the Central District of Minsk" has 2 parks, 21 squares, 2 boulevards and another 532.51 hectares of other territories (lawns, sidewalks, stairs, playgrounds). The total area of the territories served by the enterprise is 623.63 hectares .
  • Boulevards
    2 pcs / 2,8 ha

  • Parks
    2 pcs / 47,4 ha
    "Drozdy" (Ostrov), "Pobedy"

  • Public squares
    21 pcs / 41 ha
    "Starostinskaya Sloboda", "Kievsky"

Areas of our activity

Our company regularly performs maintenance of lawns, flower beds, planting, demolition and pruning of trees and shrubs, as well as maintenance of green spaces.

In addition to works on the current maintenance and improvement of the district, measures are also being taken for the current repair of external improvement facilities (repair of path coverings, installation of small architectural forms, lawn repairs, planting trees in places where there is a drop-off).

The main types of production and economic activities :
  • maintenance of green objects of green economy, small architectural forms and other elements of improvement in the city area;

  • cleaning and sanitary cleaning, repair and restoration of green facilities, ensuring their safety;

  • current repair of green economy facilities;

Values that guide us

Our mission is to implement social efficiency of the state in the construction industry on the territory of the Central district of Minsk: creating a high quality of life for people, professional and responsible fulfillment of obligations to the residents of the city.

In our activities, we are guided by the legislation of the Republic of Belarus, the company's Charter and our values:
  • People
    We maintain, create and equip comfort for residents and guests of Minsk, and bear responsibility to citizens by effectively using public investment.

  • Team
    Our team is a union of engineers of the construction sector, gardening and related professions, where the experience of managers and the activity of young people are combined.

  • Partners
    We guarantee our customers the completion of all stages of work on time, compliance with STB, GOST, ISO and other TNPA, and can implement large-scale and non-standard projects.
If you have any suggestions or need to get answers to your questions, make an appointment for a personal appointment with guides by phone or leave electronic appeal.
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operating mode
Mon-Thu: 8.00-17.00
Fri: 8.00-16.00
Lunch: 12.00-12.48 pm
220053, Minsk,
53A Innovatsionnaya St.
© 2021-2024 Zelenstroy of the Central district of Minsk
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