Personal reception schedule for individuals and legal entities

Personal reception procedure

Personal reception of citizens and representatives of legal entities on issues falling within the competence of UE "Zelenstroy of the Central District of Minsk" is carried out by the director and his deputies.

You can make an appointment for a personal appointment by phone or by email (in the e-mail, you must specify: the applicant's last name, first name, patronymic, contact phone number, residential address and a summary of the question that has arisen, to which of the specified officials for an appointment and on what specific date (see the reception schedule below)

Preliminary consultation of citizens or preliminary appointment is carried out by the receptionist Yevtukhovich Darya Alexandrovna by phone +375 17 373 95 18.

Personal appointment schedule

Phone numbers of officials can be found at the reception +375 17 373 95 18 or in the"Guide" section
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operating mode
Mon-Thu: 8.00-17.00
Fri: 8.00-16.00
Lunch: 12.00-12.48 pm
220053, Minsk,
53A Innovatsionnaya St.
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