Email address it is not used for sending electronic requests from individuals and legal entities. You can implement this feature at adress обращения.бел.
Secretary of the reception of the head; Yevtukhovich Daria Alexandrovna;+375 17 373 95 18
; fax; +375 17 373 95 93
Chief Accountant; Domeychik Natalia Fedorovna;+375 17 361 40 95
Head of the Planning and Economic Bureau (PEB);Yulia Vasilyevna Drozdovich;+375 17 362 35 89
Head of Organizational, personnel and legal work (OKiPR); Ekaterina Anatolyevna Gonchar;+375 17 361 57 43
Head of the Production and Technical Bureau (PTB);Mirgolovskaya Tatyana Ivanovna;+375 17 361 17 83
The head of the garage; Alexey Vasilyevich Gustyr;+375 17 361 58 16
Head of the Procurement and Supply Management Sector; Tuzina Victoria Alexandrovna;+375 17 361 57 28
Head of the site for current, new and capital construction; Sopot Evgeny Vladimirovich; +375 17 361 66 23
Head of the site for the operation of small mechanics; Buko Artemiy Alexandrovich;
Head of the site for current landscaping and maintenance; Tatyana Anatolievna Shevchenko;+375 17 322 64 46
Leading engineer of the garden and park management; Blinkova Anastasia Mikhailovna;+375 17 322 64 46
Leading landscape architect; Yushkevich Anna Vladimirovna;+375 17 322 64 46
Leading Environmental Protection Engineer (ecologist); Kuletskaya Anastasia Alexandrovna;+375 29 150 60 08
A leading specialist in dealing with citizens' appeals; Kazhuro Victoria Alexandrovna;+375 17 361 57 43
Leading Quality Engineer;Lipnitskaya Olga Evgenievna;+375 17 361 36 53
Occupational Safety Engineer (OT);Kolego Oksana Nikolaevna;+375 17 322 06 73
Leading Energy Engineer; Fedor Nikitich Brel
Masters; to. 201 ;+375 17 361 36 53
;to. No.202 a;+375 17 361 66 23
;to. No.202 b;+375 17 361 67 25
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